• Fatigue/lack of consistent energy

  • Food cravings

  • Weight gain


  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Osteopenia or Osteoporosis

  • Thyroid disorders

I get it. I’ve been there myself with too many of these symptoms.

  • Depression/anxiety

  • Poor sleep

  • Indigestion/heartburn/GERD

  • Chronic loose stools/constipation

  • Chronic skin conditions

  • Bloating/excessive gas

  • Chronic abdominal discomfort

After being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, thyroid disease, osteopenia, pre-diabetes, or anything else, did your doctors offer more than meds to “manage” your conditions? Or worse, did they tell you to “just keep watching it” or “eat better.”

Those are not satisfying solutions!

I know because I heard all those things, too. I was developing these conditions, despite eating a good diet, exercising . . . basically, despite “doing all the right things.” I wanted to know the reason why – the root cause. I also wanted to find natural ways to support my body to prevent the progression of these diseases or any new ones. I wanted to feel strong and healthy and alive, not fragile and sick.

You deserve that, too!   

I can help.

Hippocrates famously said, “All disease begins in the gut.” Turns out, he was right.

Modern science reveals that supporting gut health has a positive cascading effect throughout the body – on the immune system, nervous system, skin, heart, bones, brain, and so much more. Gut health is an underlying factor in all the health conditions listed above, and many more.

So, the gut is where I start.

My goal is to identify and help you address issues at the root of your health concerns.

I believe you deserve to eat delicious, whole, nourishing foods that enable you to live your best life and be the best version of yourself.

I want you to enjoy food again — minus the guilt.

My signature program is designed with these goals in mind.

I empower clients with personalized nutrition plans, nutrition knowledge, and sustainable lifestyle strategies to restore balance in their bodies and achieve the health and wellness they desire and deserve.

You’ll receive objective and actionable data from functional lab tests (the GI Map and the MRT Food Sensitivity Test) that assess your digestive function and gut health and help uncover the root causes of your symptoms. These labs are invaluable in crafting a personalized healing protocol.

We’ll have deep-dive consultations and you’ll receive a comprehensive assessment of your nutritional status — including digestion, blood sugar regulation, hydration status, and more — and a nutritional analysis of your existing diet.

You’ll receive a personalized nutritional protocol with detailed nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations.

I’ll help you filter through the noise of competing nutrition advice to figure out what foods are best for YOUR long-term health and wellness. Your perfect foods are those that best support your unique body. Your protocol will be designed to address your bio-individual nutrition needs in a practical and sustainable manner.

We’ll meet regularly for three months, every third week, for one-on-one sessions. We can meet virtually or in person in Vienna, Virginia.

Signature Nutritional Therapy Package

When your protocol is completed, we’ll review your progress and I’ll provide further nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle guidance to keep you moving toward your ultimate health goals.

As an existing client, you’ll also have access to individual nutritional therapy sessions, charged at then-current rates, as needed.

In Addition:

One retake of the GI Map and nutritional assessment to assess progress

E-mail availability for questions between sessions

Access to discounted professional-grade vitamins and supplements (cost of supplements is additional)

If you’re interested in:

  • understanding the root causes of your health concerns,

  • retaking control over your health destiny,

  • improving your health and wellbeing, and

  • feeling better than you’ve felt in a long, long time.

I’d love to help. Let’s talk!


  • Month-to-month packages are available for clients who complete an initial package and would like to continue receiving personalized coaching and support on their health and wellness journey.

  • I offer in-person meetings in Vienna, VA, or virtual sessions on Zoom video conference.

  • Please contact me for current pricing.

  • Yes! As a licensed RESTART® instructor, I also offer a group program that is equal parts nutrition education, sugar detox and support group. RESTART® is a perfect way to begin, or add support to, your health and wellness journey. Click here for more information.