I’m a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I’m also an attorney (non-practicing), retired marathoner and triathlete, intrepid world traveler, life-long learner, wife, and mom to four daughters.

My experience with autoimmune disease, pre-diabetes, and severe osteopenia showed me that the traditional medical system is not set up to support optimal health. It waits until you’re sick enough to be diagnosed and then gives you prescriptions to manage your disease.

I want more — for myself and for you. We deserve better.

When I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism my doctor gave me a prescription. He didn’t spend time explaining that my hypothyroidism was caused by Hashimoto's Thyroiditis — an autoimmune disease (AI). He didn’t tell me anything about what could have led to my AI disease, what could be done to reverse it, or that having one AI disease put me at greater risk for another — unless I did something to address the root cause of the first disease.

I dutifully took my medicine and didn't think much of my diagnosis until a DEXA Bone Scan years later revealed that I was also losing bone density and on the road to osteoporosis. Only then did I discover the underlying connections between these seemingly distinct diagnoses.

Are you living in constant fear of breaking a hip or your spine? I know how that feels; I was there once, too.

Turns out there are MANY things you can do — besides or in addition to using medication — to prevent, reverse or minimize many chronic diseases. The place to start is often your food. Becoming a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) armed me with the knowledge and skills I needed to reverse my prediabetes, uncover the root cause of my bone loss, and support my thyroid health.

Are you dealing with health symptoms and feeling gaslighted by the medical system, too?

As an NTP, I can help you uncover and address the nutritional imbalances and lifestyle choices that lie at the root of many health problems.

Good health allows you to show up in the world as the best version of yourself. It would be a pleasure to support you in making sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes so you, too, can bring your body back into balance and progress toward optimal wellness.

Let’s talk about putting my experiences and training to work for you!

By the way, if we work together I’m going to get to know you. I think it’s only fair that you know something about me, too!

  • As an attorney, I worked on international human rights.

  • I’ve traveled to 42 countries. Among my favorites: Ireland, Hungary, Cambodia and Costa Rica.

  • I find my joy in spending time with my family, friends and Irish Setter, practicing yoga, reading and knitting.

  • I don’t actually love to cook, but I do love eating real food and nourishing the people that I love with real food!


  • Certified Restorative Wellness Practitioner (Level 1 — Gastrointestinal Healing), Restorative Wellness Solutions

  • Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nutritional Therapy Association

  • Master of Laws in International and Comparative Law, Georgetown University

  • Juris Doctor, The Catholic University of America

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of Virginia

What My Clients Are Saying

“Maureen has a very inviting and educational approach . . . I felt hopeful and knew I could follow her direction into making small changes that would make a difference. . . Apart from losing 14 pounds (my husband lost 30, of course) . . . we have kept it off, our sleep is sweet and we are more active.  Sugar no longer has control of my life.  I eat more food now than ever before, feel so much better in all aspects of my life and just am delighted to have the honor of recommending Maureen to you.  She cares about health and will help you to care and succeed too!

 ̴ Nancy M.